Product Object ( [tax_name] => deprecated [tax_rate] => 21 [id_manufacturer] => 382 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_category_default] => 137 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => CHAMPAGNE FABIEN BERGERONNEAU [manufacturer_address] => [supplier_name] => [name] => Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L’inconnue» Premier Cru [description] => [description_short] =>

Champagne. Salga de los caminos trillados. Como este blanc de blancs de Pinot land expresando notas exóticas de limón y pomelo. La frescura, delicadeza y ligereza de «L'Inconnue» que encontramos en un recodo de un camino.

[quantity] => 0 [minimal_quantity] => 3 [available_now] => [available_later] => [price] => 30.541322 [additional_shipping_cost] => 0.00 [wholesale_price] => 0.000000 [on_sale] => 0 [online_only] => 0 [unity] => [unit_price] => 0 [unit_price_ratio] => 0.000000 [ecotax] => 0.000000 [reference] => CH33FABBERDIRECTV02 [supplier_reference] => [location] => [width] => 0.000000 [height] => 0.000000 [depth] => 0.000000 [weight] => 1.650000 [ean13] => [upc] => [link_rewrite] => champagne-fabien-bergeronneau-linconnue-premier-cru [meta_description] => Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L’inconnue» Premier Cru - 38,90€ - Champagne Brut. Fabien Bergeronneau. Chardonnay, Pinot noir. [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L’inconnue» Premier Cru [quantity_discount] => 0 [customizable] => 0 [new] => [uploadable_files] => 0 [text_fields] => 0 [active] => 1 [redirect_type] => 404 [id_product_redirected] => 0 [available_for_order] => 1 [available_date] => 0000-00-00 [condition] => new [show_price] => 1 [indexed] => 1 [visibility] => both [date_add] => 2021-10-14 17:34:25 [date_upd] => 2021-10-14 17:41:50 [tags] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [0] => champagne [1] => Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L )[2] => Array ( [0] => Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L ))[id_tax_rules_group] => 1 [id_color_default] => 0 [advanced_stock_management] => 0 [out_of_stock] => 2 [depends_on_stock] => [isFullyLoaded] => 1 [cache_is_pack] => 0 [cache_has_attachments] => 0 [is_virtual] => 0 [cache_default_attribute] => 0 [category] => francia-champana [webserviceParameters:protected] => Array ( [objectMethods] => Array ( [add] => addWs [update] => updateWs )[objectNodeNames] => products [fields] => Array ( [id_manufacturer] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => manufacturers )[id_supplier] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => suppliers )[id_category_default] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => categories )[new] => Array ( )[cache_default_attribute] => Array ( )[id_default_image] => Array ( [getter] => getCoverWs [setter] => setCoverWs [xlink_resource] => Array ( [resourceName] => images [subResourceName] => products ))[id_default_combination] => Array ( [getter] => getWsDefaultCombination [setter] => setWsDefaultCombination [xlink_resource] => Array ( [resourceName] => combinations ))[id_tax_rules_group] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => Array ( [resourceName] => tax_rule_groups ))[position_in_category] => Array ( [getter] => getWsPositionInCategory [setter] => setWsPositionInCategory )[manufacturer_name] => Array ( [getter] => getWsManufacturerName [setter] => )[manufacturer_address] => Array ( [getter] => getManufacturerAddressById [setter] => )[quantity] => Array ( [getter] => [setter] => )[type] => Array ( [getter] => getWsType [setter] => setWsType ))[associations] => Array ( [categories] => Array ( [resource] => categories [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )))[images] => Array ( [resource] => images [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( )))[combinations] => Array ( [resource] => combinations [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )))[product_option_values] => Array ( [resource] => product_option_values [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )))[product_features] => Array ( [resource] => product_features [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )[custom] => Array ( [required] => )[id_feature_value] => Array ( [required] => 1 [xlink_resource] => product_feature_values )))[tags] => Array ( [resource] => tags [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )))[stock_availables] => Array ( [resource] => stock_availables [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )[id_product_attribute] => Array ( [required] => 1 ))[setter] => )[accessories] => Array ( [resource] => products [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 [xlink_resource] => product )))[product_bundle] => Array ( [resource] => products [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )[quantity] => Array ( )))))[id] => 4281 [id_lang:protected] => 1 [id_shop:protected] => 1 [id_shop_list] => [get_shop_from_context:protected] => [table:protected] => product [identifier:protected] => id_product [fieldsRequired:protected] => Array ( [0] => price )[fieldsSize:protected] => Array ( [reference] => 32 [supplier_reference] => 32 [location] => 64 [ean13] => 13 [upc] => 12 )[fieldsValidate:protected] => Array ( [id_shop_default] => isUnsignedId [id_manufacturer] => isUnsignedId [id_supplier] => isUnsignedId [reference] => isReference [supplier_reference] => isReference [location] => isReference [width] => isUnsignedFloat [height] => isUnsignedFloat [depth] => isUnsignedFloat [weight] => isUnsignedFloat [quantity_discount] => isBool [ean13] => isEan13 [upc] => isUpc [cache_is_pack] => isBool [cache_has_attachments] => isBool [is_virtual] => isBool [id_category_default] => isUnsignedId [id_tax_rules_group] => isUnsignedId [on_sale] => isBool [online_only] => isBool [ecotax] => isPrice [minimal_quantity] => isUnsignedInt [price] => isPrice [wholesale_price] => isPrice [unity] => isString [additional_shipping_cost] => isPrice [customizable] => isUnsignedInt [text_fields] => isUnsignedInt [uploadable_files] => isUnsignedInt [active] => isBool [redirect_type] => isString [id_product_redirected] => isUnsignedId [available_for_order] => isBool [available_date] => isDateFormat [condition] => isGenericName [show_price] => isBool [indexed] => isBool [visibility] => isProductVisibility [advanced_stock_management] => isBool [date_add] => isDateFormat [date_upd] => isDateFormat )[fieldsRequiredLang:protected] => Array ( [0] => link_rewrite [1] => name )[fieldsSizeLang:protected] => Array ( [meta_description] => 255 [meta_keywords] => 255 [meta_title] => 128 [link_rewrite] => 128 [name] => 128 [available_now] => 255 [available_later] => 255 )[fieldsValidateLang:protected] => Array ( [meta_description] => isGenericName [meta_keywords] => isGenericName [meta_title] => isGenericName [link_rewrite] => isLinkRewrite [name] => isCatalogName [description] => isCleanHtml [description_short] => isCleanHtml [available_now] => isGenericName [available_later] => IsGenericName )[tables:protected] => Array ( )[image_dir:protected] => [image_format:protected] => jpg [def:protected] => Array ( [table] => product [primary] => id_product [multilang] => 1 [multilang_shop] => 1 [fields] => Array ( [id_shop_default] => Array ( [type] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId )[id_manufacturer] => Array ( [type] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId )[id_supplier] => Array ( [type] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId )[reference] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isReference [size] => 32 )[supplier_reference] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isReference [size] => 32 )[location] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isReference [size] => 64 )[width] => Array ( [type] => 4 [validate] => isUnsignedFloat )[height] => Array ( [type] => 4 [validate] => isUnsignedFloat )[depth] => Array ( [type] => 4 [validate] => isUnsignedFloat )[weight] => Array ( [type] => 4 [validate] => isUnsignedFloat )[quantity_discount] => Array ( [type] => 2 [validate] => isBool )[ean13] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isEan13 [size] => 13 )[upc] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isUpc [size] => 12 )[cache_is_pack] => Array ( [type] => 2 [validate] => isBool )[cache_has_attachments] => Array ( [type] => 2 [validate] => isBool )[is_virtual] => Array ( [type] => 2 [validate] => isBool )[id_category_default] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId )[id_tax_rules_group] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId )[on_sale] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[online_only] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[ecotax] => Array ( [type] => 4 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isPrice )[minimal_quantity] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedInt )[price] => Array ( [type] => 4 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isPrice [required] => 1 )[wholesale_price] => Array ( [type] => 4 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isPrice )[unity] => Array ( [type] => 3 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isString )[unit_price_ratio] => Array ( [type] => 4 [shop] => 1 )[additional_shipping_cost] => Array ( [type] => 4 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isPrice )[customizable] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedInt )[text_fields] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedInt )[uploadable_files] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedInt )[active] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[redirect_type] => Array ( [type] => 3 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isString )[id_product_redirected] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId )[available_for_order] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[available_date] => Array ( [type] => 5 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isDateFormat )[condition] => Array ( [type] => 3 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isGenericName [values] => Array ( [0] => new [1] => used [2] => refurbished )[default] => new )[show_price] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[indexed] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[visibility] => Array ( [type] => 3 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isProductVisibility [values] => Array ( [0] => both [1] => catalog [2] => search [3] => none )[default] => both )[cache_default_attribute] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 )[advanced_stock_management] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[date_add] => Array ( [type] => 5 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isDateFormat )[date_upd] => Array ( [type] => 5 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isDateFormat )[meta_description] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isGenericName [size] => 255 )[meta_keywords] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isGenericName [size] => 255 )[meta_title] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isGenericName [size] => 128 )[link_rewrite] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isLinkRewrite [required] => 1 [size] => 128 [ws_modifier] => Array ( [http_method] => 2 [modifier] => modifierWsLinkRewrite ))[name] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isCatalogName [required] => 1 [size] => 128 )[description] => Array ( [type] => 6 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isCleanHtml )[description_short] => Array ( [type] => 6 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isCleanHtml )[available_now] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isGenericName [size] => 255 )[available_later] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => IsGenericName [size] => 255 ))[associations] => Array ( [manufacturer] => Array ( [type] => 1 )[supplier] => Array ( [type] => 1 )[default_category] => Array ( [type] => 1 [field] => id_category_default [object] => Category )[tax_rules_group] => Array ( [type] => 1 )[categories] => Array ( [type] => 2 [field] => id_category [object] => Category [association] => category_product )[stock_availables] => Array ( [type] => 2 [field] => id_stock_available [object] => StockAvailable [association] => stock_availables )[l] => Array ( [type] => 2 [field] => id_product [foreign_field] => id_product ))[classname] => Product )[update_fields:protected] => [force_id] => [base_price] => 32.148760 [specificPrice] => Array ( [id_specific_price] => 3858807 [id_specific_price_rule] => 23 [id_cart] => 0 [id_product] => 4281 [id_shop] => 1 [id_shop_group] => 0 [id_currency] => 1 [id_country] => 0 [id_group] => 0 [id_customer] => 0 [id_product_attribute] => 0 [price] => -1.000000 [from_quantity] => 1 [reduction] => 0.050000 [reduction_type] => percentage [from] => 2025-01-18 00:05:00 [to] => 2025-02-11 09:50:00 [score] => 57 )[customization_required] => ) 1
- 5% Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L’inconnue» Premier Cru

Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L’inconnue» Premier Cru

Champagne. Salga de los caminos trillados. Como este blanc de blancs de Pinot land expresando notas exóticas de limón y pomelo. La frescura, delicadeza y ligereza de «L'Inconnue» que encontramos en un recodo de un camino.

Product Object ( [tax_name] => deprecated [tax_rate] => 21 [id_manufacturer] => 382 [id_supplier] => 0 [id_category_default] => 137 [id_shop_default] => 1 [manufacturer_name] => CHAMPAGNE FABIEN BERGERONNEAU [manufacturer_address] => [supplier_name] => [name] => Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L’inconnue» Premier Cru [description] => [description_short] =>

Champagne. Salga de los caminos trillados. Como este blanc de blancs de Pinot land expresando notas exóticas de limón y pomelo. La frescura, delicadeza y ligereza de «L'Inconnue» que encontramos en un recodo de un camino.

[quantity] => 0 [minimal_quantity] => 3 [available_now] => [available_later] => [price] => 30.541322 [additional_shipping_cost] => 0.00 [wholesale_price] => 0.000000 [on_sale] => 0 [online_only] => 0 [unity] => [unit_price] => 0 [unit_price_ratio] => 0.000000 [ecotax] => 0.000000 [reference] => CH33FABBERDIRECTV02 [supplier_reference] => [location] => [width] => 0.000000 [height] => 0.000000 [depth] => 0.000000 [weight] => 1.650000 [ean13] => [upc] => [link_rewrite] => champagne-fabien-bergeronneau-linconnue-premier-cru [meta_description] => Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L’inconnue» Premier Cru - 38,90€ - Champagne Brut. Fabien Bergeronneau. Chardonnay, Pinot noir. [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L’inconnue» Premier Cru [quantity_discount] => 0 [customizable] => 0 [new] => [uploadable_files] => 0 [text_fields] => 0 [active] => 1 [redirect_type] => 404 [id_product_redirected] => 0 [available_for_order] => 1 [available_date] => 0000-00-00 [condition] => new [show_price] => 1 [indexed] => 1 [visibility] => both [date_add] => 2021-10-14 17:34:25 [date_upd] => 2021-10-14 17:41:50 [tags] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [0] => champagne [1] => Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L )[2] => Array ( [0] => Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L ))[id_tax_rules_group] => 1 [id_color_default] => 0 [advanced_stock_management] => 0 [out_of_stock] => 2 [depends_on_stock] => [isFullyLoaded] => 1 [cache_is_pack] => 0 [cache_has_attachments] => 0 [is_virtual] => 0 [cache_default_attribute] => 0 [category] => francia-champana [webserviceParameters:protected] => Array ( [objectMethods] => Array ( [add] => addWs [update] => updateWs )[objectNodeNames] => products [fields] => Array ( [id_manufacturer] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => manufacturers )[id_supplier] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => suppliers )[id_category_default] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => categories )[new] => Array ( )[cache_default_attribute] => Array ( )[id_default_image] => Array ( [getter] => getCoverWs [setter] => setCoverWs [xlink_resource] => Array ( [resourceName] => images [subResourceName] => products ))[id_default_combination] => Array ( [getter] => getWsDefaultCombination [setter] => setWsDefaultCombination [xlink_resource] => Array ( [resourceName] => combinations ))[id_tax_rules_group] => Array ( [xlink_resource] => Array ( [resourceName] => tax_rule_groups ))[position_in_category] => Array ( [getter] => getWsPositionInCategory [setter] => setWsPositionInCategory )[manufacturer_name] => Array ( [getter] => getWsManufacturerName [setter] => )[manufacturer_address] => Array ( [getter] => getManufacturerAddressById [setter] => )[quantity] => Array ( [getter] => [setter] => )[type] => Array ( [getter] => getWsType [setter] => setWsType ))[associations] => Array ( [categories] => Array ( [resource] => categories [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )))[images] => Array ( [resource] => images [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( )))[combinations] => Array ( [resource] => combinations [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )))[product_option_values] => Array ( [resource] => product_option_values [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )))[product_features] => Array ( [resource] => product_features [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )[custom] => Array ( [required] => )[id_feature_value] => Array ( [required] => 1 [xlink_resource] => product_feature_values )))[tags] => Array ( [resource] => tags [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )))[stock_availables] => Array ( [resource] => stock_availables [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )[id_product_attribute] => Array ( [required] => 1 ))[setter] => )[accessories] => Array ( [resource] => products [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 [xlink_resource] => product )))[product_bundle] => Array ( [resource] => products [fields] => Array ( [id] => Array ( [required] => 1 )[quantity] => Array ( )))))[id] => 4281 [id_lang:protected] => 1 [id_shop:protected] => 1 [id_shop_list] => [get_shop_from_context:protected] => [table:protected] => product [identifier:protected] => id_product [fieldsRequired:protected] => Array ( [0] => price )[fieldsSize:protected] => Array ( [reference] => 32 [supplier_reference] => 32 [location] => 64 [ean13] => 13 [upc] => 12 )[fieldsValidate:protected] => Array ( [id_shop_default] => isUnsignedId [id_manufacturer] => isUnsignedId [id_supplier] => isUnsignedId [reference] => isReference [supplier_reference] => isReference [location] => isReference [width] => isUnsignedFloat [height] => isUnsignedFloat [depth] => isUnsignedFloat [weight] => isUnsignedFloat [quantity_discount] => isBool [ean13] => isEan13 [upc] => isUpc [cache_is_pack] => isBool [cache_has_attachments] => isBool [is_virtual] => isBool [id_category_default] => isUnsignedId [id_tax_rules_group] => isUnsignedId [on_sale] => isBool [online_only] => isBool [ecotax] => isPrice [minimal_quantity] => isUnsignedInt [price] => isPrice [wholesale_price] => isPrice [unity] => isString [additional_shipping_cost] => isPrice [customizable] => isUnsignedInt [text_fields] => isUnsignedInt [uploadable_files] => isUnsignedInt [active] => isBool [redirect_type] => isString [id_product_redirected] => isUnsignedId [available_for_order] => isBool [available_date] => isDateFormat [condition] => isGenericName [show_price] => isBool [indexed] => isBool [visibility] => isProductVisibility [advanced_stock_management] => isBool [date_add] => isDateFormat [date_upd] => isDateFormat )[fieldsRequiredLang:protected] => Array ( [0] => link_rewrite [1] => name )[fieldsSizeLang:protected] => Array ( [meta_description] => 255 [meta_keywords] => 255 [meta_title] => 128 [link_rewrite] => 128 [name] => 128 [available_now] => 255 [available_later] => 255 )[fieldsValidateLang:protected] => Array ( [meta_description] => isGenericName [meta_keywords] => isGenericName [meta_title] => isGenericName [link_rewrite] => isLinkRewrite [name] => isCatalogName [description] => isCleanHtml [description_short] => isCleanHtml [available_now] => isGenericName [available_later] => IsGenericName )[tables:protected] => Array ( )[image_dir:protected] => [image_format:protected] => jpg [def:protected] => Array ( [table] => product [primary] => id_product [multilang] => 1 [multilang_shop] => 1 [fields] => Array ( [id_shop_default] => Array ( [type] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId )[id_manufacturer] => Array ( [type] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId )[id_supplier] => Array ( [type] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId )[reference] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isReference [size] => 32 )[supplier_reference] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isReference [size] => 32 )[location] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isReference [size] => 64 )[width] => Array ( [type] => 4 [validate] => isUnsignedFloat )[height] => Array ( [type] => 4 [validate] => isUnsignedFloat )[depth] => Array ( [type] => 4 [validate] => isUnsignedFloat )[weight] => Array ( [type] => 4 [validate] => isUnsignedFloat )[quantity_discount] => Array ( [type] => 2 [validate] => isBool )[ean13] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isEan13 [size] => 13 )[upc] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isUpc [size] => 12 )[cache_is_pack] => Array ( [type] => 2 [validate] => isBool )[cache_has_attachments] => Array ( [type] => 2 [validate] => isBool )[is_virtual] => Array ( [type] => 2 [validate] => isBool )[id_category_default] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId )[id_tax_rules_group] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId )[on_sale] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[online_only] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[ecotax] => Array ( [type] => 4 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isPrice )[minimal_quantity] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedInt )[price] => Array ( [type] => 4 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isPrice [required] => 1 )[wholesale_price] => Array ( [type] => 4 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isPrice )[unity] => Array ( [type] => 3 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isString )[unit_price_ratio] => Array ( [type] => 4 [shop] => 1 )[additional_shipping_cost] => Array ( [type] => 4 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isPrice )[customizable] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedInt )[text_fields] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedInt )[uploadable_files] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedInt )[active] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[redirect_type] => Array ( [type] => 3 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isString )[id_product_redirected] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId )[available_for_order] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[available_date] => Array ( [type] => 5 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isDateFormat )[condition] => Array ( [type] => 3 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isGenericName [values] => Array ( [0] => new [1] => used [2] => refurbished )[default] => new )[show_price] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[indexed] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[visibility] => Array ( [type] => 3 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isProductVisibility [values] => Array ( [0] => both [1] => catalog [2] => search [3] => none )[default] => both )[cache_default_attribute] => Array ( [type] => 1 [shop] => 1 )[advanced_stock_management] => Array ( [type] => 2 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isBool )[date_add] => Array ( [type] => 5 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isDateFormat )[date_upd] => Array ( [type] => 5 [shop] => 1 [validate] => isDateFormat )[meta_description] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isGenericName [size] => 255 )[meta_keywords] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isGenericName [size] => 255 )[meta_title] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isGenericName [size] => 128 )[link_rewrite] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isLinkRewrite [required] => 1 [size] => 128 [ws_modifier] => Array ( [http_method] => 2 [modifier] => modifierWsLinkRewrite ))[name] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isCatalogName [required] => 1 [size] => 128 )[description] => Array ( [type] => 6 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isCleanHtml )[description_short] => Array ( [type] => 6 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isCleanHtml )[available_now] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => isGenericName [size] => 255 )[available_later] => Array ( [type] => 3 [lang] => 1 [validate] => IsGenericName [size] => 255 ))[associations] => Array ( [manufacturer] => Array ( [type] => 1 )[supplier] => Array ( [type] => 1 )[default_category] => Array ( [type] => 1 [field] => id_category_default [object] => Category )[tax_rules_group] => Array ( [type] => 1 )[categories] => Array ( [type] => 2 [field] => id_category [object] => Category [association] => category_product )[stock_availables] => Array ( [type] => 2 [field] => id_stock_available [object] => StockAvailable [association] => stock_availables )[l] => Array ( [type] => 2 [field] => id_product [foreign_field] => id_product ))[classname] => Product )[update_fields:protected] => [force_id] => [base_price] => 32.148760 [specificPrice] => Array ( [id_specific_price] => 3858807 [id_specific_price_rule] => 23 [id_cart] => 0 [id_product] => 4281 [id_shop] => 1 [id_shop_group] => 0 [id_currency] => 1 [id_country] => 0 [id_group] => 0 [id_customer] => 0 [id_product_attribute] => 0 [price] => -1.000000 [from_quantity] => 1 [reduction] => 0.050000 [reduction_type] => percentage [from] => 2025-01-18 00:05:00 [to] => 2025-02-11 09:50:00 [score] => 57 )[customization_required] => ) 1


Precios IVA incluido

Este producto no se vende individualmente. Es necesario seleccionar un mínimo de 3 cantidades para este producto.

36,95 €

38,90 €

- 5%

110,85 €

116,70 €

- 5%

221,70 €

233,40 €

- 5%

36,95 €

38,90 €

- 5%

Entrega de 5 a 7 días.

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ENVÍO GRATIS en pedidos superiores a 180€

Garantía de satisfacción en toda Europa

Devolución sin ningún coste

Pago 100% seguro


Compártelo en:

Fase Visual:De color amarillo pálido.
Fase Olfativa:En nariz muestra gran frescor con cítricos (pomelos y limón).
Fase Gustativa:El ataque es fresco y se abre en boca cerrada. El final es ácido y apertura muy larga sobre notas ligeramente saladas.
Maridaje:sta cuvée combina bien con mariscos.
Recomendaciones:Temperatura óptima: 8 - 10º C
Clase de vino:Champagne Brut Blanc de Blancs.
Variedad de uva:100% Chardonnay
Crianza o envejecimiento:Crianza de 20 a 30 meses en rima.
AlérgenosContiene sulfitos

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Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau «L’inconnue» Premier Cru


Champagne Fabien Bergeronneau

Como sus predecesores, el objetivo de Fabien es crear vinos y champagnes con carácter. Eso significa sublimar la mineralidad de su suelo. Vinificación de baja intervención, en perpetuo búsqueda de nuevas prácticas de viñedo, Fabien consiguió el HEV (alto valor ambiental) certificación en 2018.

Desde 2020 Fabien se dedica a la agricultura ecológica conversión. El comienzo de una nueva historia ...

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